Next Generation
Excerpt from book
“Due to an ageing society and the rising prevalence of frailty and chronic disease, the issue of nursing care is becoming increasingly urgent. People who now lead lifestyles characterised by new media, e-mobility and designer glasses will eventually be affected by age-related limitations in physical function, mobility and independent living. Can their living environments be designed so as to ensure that they will be able to live independently for as long as possible in their later years of life or after they require care? And how can we design the necessary interior furnishings, such as nursing care beds and rollators, so that the user experiences them not as discriminatory hospital environments but as attractive and socially acceptable interiors?”
Burg Giebichenstein, University of Art and Design Halle
Department of Product Design
Prof. Fritjhof Meinel, Dipl. Des. Stephan Schulz, Dipl. Des. Enrico Wilde
Benjamin Hein, Juliane Huhn, Marta Quilis Juan, Nadine Williams, Teresa Würdiger, Ulli Grüning, Wei Hsu, Willi Möller
HTW Dresden – University of Applied Sciences
Department of Industrial Design
Prof. Elke Mathiebe
Frank Hahnewald, Ralf Pohl
Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Applied Arts Schneeberg
Department of Wood Design/Product Design
Prof. Gerd Kaden, Prof. Dorothea Vent
Carolin Schulze, Lars Dahlitz, Christoph Barthel
Hochschule Wismar University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Design
Prof. Achim Hack, Prof. Volker Zölch
Carolin Schulze, Rica Bünning, Thomas Emthaus, Wilfried Lohmann, Rianne Engberink, Anne Giese, Felix Lange, Tobias Morawiak
Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences
Department of Industrial Design
Prof. Ulrich Wohlgemuth
Christian Schliebs, Josephine Franke, Julian Wiesermann, Laura Carolina Holguin Poveda, Nicole Bielenski, Rainer Böhme, Sanja Scheuerlein
Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)
Institute for Building Theory and Design
Dr-Ing. Gesine Marquardt
Tina Diere, Sandra Michael, Michael Strobelt, Diana Deltschew, Filine Prüne, Maria Wallbaum, Barbara Weniger,Caroline Lange, Anh Thu Tran Thi, Julia Wissler, Eric Fischer, Maria Heller, Anne Jahn
Project partners
Böckelmann-consult Dessau, Lounge Design Group Halle
Lead sponsors
Weigang AG, Joh. Stiegelmeyer GmbH & Co. KG, SenVital GmbH
Peter Eichler and university students
“Design for the disabled”
Author Gaia Manco
Deutsche Welle-Culture, 26 November 2013