The Fast Display Window

Title The Fast Display Window
Location Leipzig
Year 2003
Client City of Leipzig, ASW
Team L21/
Lilly M. Bozzo-Costa
Antje Heuer
Tom Hobusch
Stefan Rettich
Dirk Stenzel
+ Stadt Labor

Excerpt from project description

The street Lützner Straße is an important social artery for the city, as well as the main link between the Leipzig city centre and the neighbourhood of Grünau. The street is narrower than Leipzig’s other arterial roads, creating a tunnel effect. Approx. 20,000 vehicles pass through Lützner Straße every day. The high level of noise is one of the main reasons why the street is among Leipzig’s least popular residential areas.
“The Fast Display Window” is the name of the neighbourhood’s new image. The central themes in the development are as follows:

1. Lindenau has nothing to hide. It can show off its strengths on Lützner Straße. In this context, the important public points of the neighbourhood, as well as the activities that occur here, should be made visible, either directly or symbolically.

 Speed is an element of the “The Fast Display Window”. Lützner Straße should be optimised for traffic. However, slower movement via an alternative network of routes should also be possible.

 The street is associated with uses that benefit from and complement its character. Conceivable uses include temporary residences, new or expanding businesses, retail with specific characteristics and new symbioses or all types of business associated with transport.

. The city and open space must be restructured. Stable and changeable areas, which partially overlap, are defined. The existing potential and approaches are the point of departure. The outcomes include urban areas with certain qualities and themes. Lützner Straße is developing in various subareas, spatial sequences that define themselves based on their use or intensity of use and urban planning design.”


“In Leipzig – Den Abriss entwerfen”

Author: Jan Friederich
Bauwelt, Issue 25/2003